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Iya Canyon is located in the heart of the Shikoku only 40min drive from SAFARI.
Soon itfs time to put the gear on! After a safety talk by your guide you are ready to go canyoning.
Spend the day sliding down natural hydro slides and jumping into deep crystal-clear pools.

IYA Canyon Half day Trip

Price: JPY 9,000.

all days of 6/1`9/30

Includes: Wetsuit, helmet, PFD, harness, canyoning socks and shoes, harness, insurance, trained guides.

info: no experience of canyoning required but a average level of fitness required. for age 10years old and up.

Tour Times

Check in time 8:10 12:50
Return to SAFARI 12:30 17:10
Finish 13:00 17:40

*If you have no transportation from the place where you are staying at (must be 30min from SAFARI), the IKEDA bus station or JR IKEDA station, we will pick you up at 10 minutes before the check in time.


When selecting a company to go rafting, many people get caught up in who offers the best price.
To be honest, in this industry, you get what you pay for. At SAFARI, we use high quality equipments and we provide all of the gear you will need for your tour.
All of the gear and basic insurance are included in the cost.
Our experience has taught us that rafting is fun and safe activity, however like any outdoor activity, you should be aware of the different risks involved.
So before you select solely on price, we want you to think again these questions: is this trip going to be lead by professional guides, is the trip to be safe, is the equipment 10years old.
Our first priority is your safety, donft be so focused on price that you let other important priorities slip away.


On all SAFARI tours we offer a photo service, with our photographers waiting to take your adventure photos at several points along the course.
Digital photos and videos will be shown after the trip on the wide screen at SAFARI.
Youfll have a wide variety of photos of your raft trip available to take home. We sell trip photos and DVD/BD.

Safari co,Ltd

Phone 0883-76-0745/Fax 0883-76-0746/Japan 81

3306-6, Itano, Ikeda, Miyoshi, Tokushima, Japan

PO BOX 778-0014